Thursday, February 25, 2010

ACOW Board Meeting - 3/10

Based on feedback from most board members, it now appears that the next best date to have an ACOW Board meeting would be Wed, March 10. Please put it on your calendars, and plan for it. I will get an agenda out soon, but we need to think about at least the following and be prepared for some discussion:

- ACOW At The Summit: when (August 20 – 21?), where (same place as usual, at the Snoqualmie Summit, or….?), and topics (assuming our AMC bill passes in this legislature, we could spend at least an entire day going over it, and making sure appraisers understand what it WILL do for them, and what it WON’T do….)

- Budget for 2010, and how do we reach out to more unaffiliated appraisers and get them to join?

- Do we take a position on (support for or not) the Exposure Draft on Consistent Disciplinary Action as promulgated by the Appraisal Foundation

If you have any other items you want to make sure are on the agenda, please advise.


Stan Sidor

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